CVD - Cardiovascular Disease

Programme Brief

CVD Prevent

The CVD PREVENT audit is part of a broader strategic objective outlined in the Long Term Pla... Find out more >

Educational Videos

We've produced a series of videos to support the education and management of cardiovascular disea... Find out more >

Lipid Management

From 2021 the 15 health innovation networks have focused on enabling the NHS to optimise lipid ma... Find out more >

Blood Pressure Optimisation

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is a leading cause of premature mortality and morbidity in England... Find out more >

Expert Advice and Information from third sector - Heart UK, British Heart Foundation and Blood Pressure UK

In partnership with HEARTUK, the Health Innovation Network is delivering the Tackling Choles... Find out more >

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia

FH is an inherited condition which leads to exceptionally high cholesterol levels, often 2 – 4 x ... Find out more >

South East AHSN Collaborative

Work continues across the South East which includes a series of education events/webinars being h... Find out more >

Meet the team

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