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Wessex Health Innovation Programme (HIP)

An overview of our innovator accelerator - Wessex Health Innovation Programme (HIP). Hear from Frank Ratcliff, Director Industry and Innovation, about what the programme can offer to innovators and hear from delegates about their experience of the four day accelerator programme.

Recent Videos

Wessex Health Innovation Programme - Dan Berridge - Nov 2024 Delegate

Dan attended our HIP programme in November 2024, hear about his experience and what he gained from attending the course.

Hear how Health Innovation Wessex can help you

Hear from Angela Gore, Market Access and Development Manager at BIOHIT, about the support that she has received from Health Innovation Wessex.

Optimisation of Expressing Breastmilk & The Importance of Flange Sizing - Staff Training Webinar

This staff training webinar is aimed at those who support mothers express breastmilk on the neonatal unit (NNU), transitional care unit (TCU), postnatal ward or community. The objectives are to raise awareness of the importance of flange fitting and provide the skills to deliver this care. This practice is a recommendation of newly published research. This demonstrates that when women are correctly fitted with a breast pump flange they will achieve a higher milk yield and experience less discomfort . The webinar was produced in collaboration between University Hospitals Southampton, Health Innovation Wessex and NHS South West.

Improving access to appropriately fitted equipment to support mothers expressing breast milk. A project toolkit.

Funded by NHS England South West, Health Innovation Wessex is supporting the spread of a quality improvement project initiated in University Hospital Southampton. The project focuses on equity of access to appropriate equipment for expressing maternal breastmilk. The aim of this toolkit, developed by Health Innovation Wessex, is to tell you everything you need to know about this project and provide you with the tools and resources to implement a similar project in your own healthcare setting.

Season's greetings from Health Innovation Wessex 2024

Season's greetings from all of us at Health Innovation Wessex, we look forward to working together in 2025.

South West Collaborative - Lipid Optimisation Webinar - 12/12/24

Exploring current developments relating to the condition including identification, treatments, targets and incentives, plus examples of best practice.