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Hampshire GP and chair of North Hampshire CCG, Dr Nicola Decker, shares her story of the iSPACE innovation, its adoption across Wessex and beyond, and the impact on this special group of patients and carers.
The latest Mo video follows Mo's journey from hospital to home.
Sometimes, if you have a stay in hospital, your medicines can change. You may be given new medicines to take. This can be a lot to remember, especially if you were already taking medicine.
And by time you are back at home, it can be tricky to remember what you need to take. This is where a pharmacist can help.
Better Local Care in Hampshire wants to simplify how you access health and social care in your community by removing the red tape that often causes delays and frustration so you get the care you need at the right time, in the right place, by the right person.
It will achieve this by bringing together care professionals who already support the same local people, offering new ways for patients and the public to shape their own local services, and making sure care funding goes where it will make the biggest difference to people’s lives.
This video, produced by our CCG colleagues, describes the work of the Better Local Care programme over the past three years (2015-18), the results and what’s next.
This webinar covers the key actions that surgeries need to take to become Dementia Friendly. Programme Lead, Katherine Barbour, discusses the experiences in Wessex, key successes and learning, and highlights the outcomes for people with dementia, carers and primary care.
NB: There is a minor erratum at the start of the talk. The three delivery models in Nottinghamshire relate to the spread of a dementia friendly toolkit developed during the iSPACE pilot in Derbyshire.
The fundamentals of dementia and caring for those with the disease