You can browse our resources using the categories below or search for a specific keyword.
SOP for switching Warfarin to DOAC (West Hants CCG)
Guidance on Safe Switching of Warfarin to DOAC: COVID-19 response
NHS Guide to Managing Anticoagulant services during the coronavirus pandemic (March 2020)
Ask your Pharmacist about your anticoagulation Postcard
Anticoagulant started? Poster - for use in GP practices and Community pharmacies
Consultation Skills New Medicines Service (NMS) Presentation
Starting anticoagulation with Jack Postcard
Guidelines for Housebound Patients on warfarin Dorset CCG
Warfarin Information for patients, relatives and carers 2019
There are currently no resources within this programme.
Section 1: Guidance for pulse oximetry for virtual wards - NHS England
Section 2: Revised adult primary care Covid-19 assessment pathway
Section 2: Example stakeholder list - Wessex AHSN
Section 2: Stakeholder analysis template NHS Improvement
Section 2: Example Covid Virtual Ward SOP - North Hampshire
Section 2: Example system-wide primary care model - Southampton
Section 2: Call handler SOP for clinicians
Section 2: Remote monitoring quick start guide - Winchester PCN
Section 2: Clinical competency resources
Section 2: accuRx clinician guide
Section 2: Using volunteers to support Covid virtual ward models
Section 2: How to apply for pulse oximeters NHS England
Section 2: Example decontamination protocol Winchester
Section 3: CVW and CO@h definitions for the purposes of evaluation
Section 3: Covid Virtual Ward Models rapid evaluation UCL
Section 3: Examples of patient experience survey questions Wessex
Section 4: Covid Oximetry@home Patient Information Leaflet HIOW
Section 4: Diary for pulse oximetry for virtual wards - NHS England
Section 4: Covid Isolating at Home Safety Netting leaflet NHS England
Section 4: Pulse ox videos multiple languages Slough
Section 5: Covid Virtual Ward top tips and lessons Oxford AHSN
Section 5: Covid-19 virtual ward patient stories Slough
Section 5: PDSA cycles NHS Improvement
Section 5: Cause and effect analysis - NHS Improvement
Section 5: Remote monitoring using pulse oximeters in care homes
Section 5: Remote monitoring using pulse oximetry in care homes webinar Q&A
Section 6: Covid Oximetry at Home FAQs Wessex AHSN
NHS England and Improvement SOP
Section 1: Webinar: Virtual ward with pulse oximetry Dr Matt Inada-Kim
Section 4: Adult pulse oximetry monitoring diary animation HEE
Section 4: Diary for virtual ward translated versions NHS England
Section 5: RESTORE2 deterioration and escalation tool Wessex AHSN
Section 5: NHSI Improvement Hub
Section 5: Guide to quality improvement methods - HQIP
Section 5: How to Improve - IHI
Section 5: Managing the Covid-19 pandemic in care homes - British Geriatrics Society
Section 5: Covid-19 NHS clinical support for care homes -
Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative
Covid Virtual Ward Information Pack (by West of England AHSN)
NHS England letter: Covid Virtual Wards
How to access the Covid Virtual Ward toolkit
Covid Virtual Ward NIRB slides (6 Jan 2021)
NHS England national webinar slides (13 Jan 2021)
CVW: Pulse Oximeter Request Proforma
Step 2: Example stakeholder list - Wessex AHSN
Step 2: Stakeholder analysis template NHS Improvement
Step 3: NHS England Standard Operating Procedure CVW
Step 3: NHS England Quick guide for SDEC and CVW during Covid-19
Step 4: Buckinghamshire Healthcare virtual ward pathway
Step 4: Oxford University Hospitals virtual ward pathway
Step 4: Royal Free London NHS FT Hampstead virtual ward pathway
Step 4: Brighton and Sussex Uni Hospitals NHS Trust Oxygen at home SOP
Step 4: Case Study - SDEC and CVW Salford Royal NHS FT
Step 4: Case Study - SDEC during Covid-19 Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS FT
Step 4: Using NHS Volunteers to support CVW models
Step 5: Pulse oximeter FAQs for CVW 080121
Step 6: Local learning systems info for CVW
CVW and CO@h definitions for the purposes of evaluation
Covid Isolating at home safety netting leaflet
Covid-19 information leaflet Hindi - Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Covid-19 information leaflet Nepali - Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Learning disability resources for Covid oximetry - FutureNHS
Translated and accessible Covid-19 patient diaries (NHS England)
Multilingual Covid-19 guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection (
Early data from the NHSX remote monitoring pilot
Managing the Covid-19 pandemic in care homes - British Geriatrics Society
Covid-19 NHS clinical support for care homes -
Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative
There are currently no resources within this programme.
AHSN Focus on Lipids Webinar - 30-3-23 - Slides.pdf
South West Collaborative - Webinar series Lipids - Dec 12th (1).pdf
Lipid Management in Primary Care - Sep 27th.pdf
Lipid Management - Taking an Individualised and Population.pdf
Lipid Management slide deck 20-4-23 Dorset.pdf
Lipid Management in Secondary Care Webinar - feedback.pdf
South East Collaborative - Heart Failure - November 21.pdf
South West Collaborative - Heart Failure - October 16th.pdf
South East Collaborative - Hypertension - November 7th.pdf
South East Collaborative - Lipid Optimisation - September 26.pdf
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no projects within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
NICE Clinical Guideline (CG71)-1661939737.pdf
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia ImplementationGuide PHE 2018-1660734805.pdf
Improving the detection of FH in primary care NENC AHSN case study-1661954226.pdf
Baldwins Lane Surgery FeNO PTF report
Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire ICS FeNO PTF report
Beacon Medical group FeNO PTF report
Berinsfield Health Centre FeNO PTF report
Braccan Health Network FeNO PTF report
County Durham Respiratory Community Service FeNO PTF report
Durham Dales Health Federation FeNO PTF report
First Community Health and Care FeNO PTF report
Garden city Primary Care Network FeNO PTF report
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust FeNo PTF report
Granta Medical Practices Primary Care Network FeNO PTF report
Healthier Oxford Network Primary Care Network FeNO PTF report
Hereford Medical Group FeNO PTF report
Humber and North Yorkshire ICB FeNO PTF report
Huntingdon Road Surgery FeNO PTF report
Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust FeNO PTF report
Livingwell Partnership FeNO PTF report
Manor view, Pathfinder Primary Care Network FeNO PTF report
North Shoebury Surgery FeNO PTF report
Portsdown PCN Paediatrics FeNO PTF report
South East London and South West London ICB FeNO PTF report
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
Driver Diagram Template-1627996612.pptx
FeNO Driver Diagram Template V1.0.pdf
FeNO project delivery checklist - on a page
AAC FeNO PTF Bundles - Requirements to release device guidance - July21-1626969266.pdf
AAC FeNO PTF Bundles - Training and pathway evidence proforma - V1.docx
FeNO PTF evaluation form - 19-10-22 update.docx
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
InHIP HIOW ICS/ICB local project overview
InHIP Dorset ICS/ICB local project overview
Case study - Primary care approach to CVD prevention 2024 (003).pdf
InHIp HIOW accompanying slide deck 2024.pdf
Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme
Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme (InHIP) - NHS England
Cancer Matters Wessex - Testing for blood in your poo using the FIT test
TogetherNet - Keeping Gosport residents connected
Professor Leela Damodaran FAccS, Switching the focus from training to support
DONOR: New research project to explore whether digital coaching can support people with frailty
Remote monitoring and living with frailty
Report - Age Friendly Digital Island Survey 2021
Blog: My now 85-year-old mum, Maureen has been a proud owner of an iPad for nearly a year
Eating & Drinking Well in Later Life and CORONAVIRUS
Staying hydrated as we get older - TRIFOLD LEAFLET
Staying hydrated as we get older - A4 LARGE-PRINT LEAFLET
Hydration Top Tips POSTER (A4)
Hydration Top Tips POSTER (A3)
Staying hydrated during self-isolation: Suite of POSTERS / IMAGES (.zip)
Improving Hydration in Hampshire Care Homes: Executive Summary
Improving Hydration in Hampshire Care Homes: Full Report
Improving Hydration in domiciliary care: Full Report
Domiciliary Care Project Files (.zip)
Feasibility Trial Evaluation Report
Feasibility Trial Training Resources (.zip)
Improving hydration in Care Homes: Launch event (.zip)
PaCT Hydration Champions training resources (.zip)
Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex Hydrate in Care Homes Project Evaluation Report
Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex Hydrate in Care Homes Resources Toolkit
Health Innovation Wessex Education Implementation Toolbox
Solutions to barriers implementing frailty education
Tier 2 Education Resources December 2020
6 month evaluation report Frailty Programme Executive Summary (2021-22)
6 month evaluation report Frailty Programme (2021-22)
Frailty Education and Awareness Wessex AHSN launch May 2021
Frailty screening what do you need to know leaflet
Communicating with people living with frailty leaflet
Holistic approaches for assessing people living with frailty leaflet
Frequently asked questions: frailty e-learning
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
Eating & Drinking Well in Later Life and CORONAVIRUS
Staying hydrated as we get older - TRIFOLD LEAFLET
Staying hydrated as we get older - A4 LARGE-PRINT LEAFLET
Hydration Top Tips POSTER (A4)
Hydration Top Tips POSTER (A3)
Staying hydrated during self-isolation: Suite of POSTERS / IMAGES (.zip)
Improving Hydration in Hampshire Care Homes: Executive Summary
Improving Hydration in Hampshire Care Homes: Full Report
Improving Hydration in domiciliary care: Full Report
Domiciliary Care Project Files (.zip)
Feasibility Trial Evaluation Report
Feasibility Trial Training Resources (.zip)
Improving hydration in Care Homes: Launch event (.zip)
PaCT Hydration Champions training resources (.zip)
Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex Hydrate in Care Homes Project Evaluation Report
Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex Hydrate in Care Homes Resources Toolkit
RESTORE2 PowerPoint slide deck for Care Home settings (v5 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2 slide deck for Care Home settings (v5 Wessex PSC) [PDF Version]
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Care Home settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Care Home settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Domiciliary Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Domiciliary Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Learning Disability Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Learning Disability Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
2019 Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Annual report (LeDeR 16/7/20)
Action from Learning Report 2019/2020 (LeDeR July 2020)
Improving safety in care homes (HIN Atlas)
RESTORE2 Tool: Adult Physiological Observation & Escalation Chart
RESTORE2mini Care Home Tool: Ask your resident – how are you today?
RESTORE2mini Domiciliary Care Tool: Ask your client – how are you today?
RESTORE2mini Learning Difficulties Tool: Ask the person you support – how are you?
Hydration at Home Toolkit GUIDE
Staying hydrated as we get older - TRIFOLD LEAFLET
Staying hydrated as we get older - A4 LARGE-PRINT LEAFLET
Hydration Top Tips POSTER (A4)
Hydration Top Tips POSTER (A3)
Grandad's Story Video Transcript
Links to recommended resources
Article in Dietetics Today Jan 2021
Impact Evaluation Dissertation Summary
The Discharge Medicines Service and counselling services for newly anti-coagulated patients 2022
TCAM in mental health and community trusts report (Nov 2022)
TCAM - Supporting evidence - BMJ Open Newcastle (2016)
TCAM - Supporting evidence - Leeds paper (2019) reduced readmissions and bed days
Evaluation of the Portsmouth medicines advice at home service Nov 2019
Transfer of Care to Community Pharmacy LPN Guidance Dec 2017
TCAM - Implementation, Bridging The Gap
TCAM - Implementation, advice on referrals
Example letter to GP to explain the TCAM service
Pharmacy outcomes hospital referral June 2016
TCAM - lessons learned from the national rollout
RESTORE2 Slide deck for Trainers (v5 WPSC)
RESTORE2mini Slide deck for Trainers (v6 WPSC)
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook (e-book version for Android and iOS Tablets)
Generic SBARD Communication Tool for use by Care Homes (WPSC)
The London Care Homes Resource Pack (LCAG 22/5/20)
Hydration for Older People - Copy of slides for Care Home Trainers (v4 WPSC) [pdf]
Hydration for Older People - Slide deck for Care Home Trainers (v4 WPSC) [ppt]
Hydration for Older People - Slide deck for Domiciliary Care Trainers (v4 WPSC) [ppt]
Hydration for Older People - Copy of slides for Domiciliary Care Trainers (v4 WPSC) [pdf]
Domiciliary Care Hydration Toolkit Project Summary (WPSC) v2
Developing RESTORE2mini domiciliary - A Project Briefing note
RESTORE2mini domiciliary care - Slide deck for Trainers (v6 WPSC) [ppt]
RESTORE2 - Slide deck for Trainers (v5 WPSC) [ppt]
RESTORE2mini domiciliary care - Slide deck for Trainers (v6 WPSC) [pdf]
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook (e-book version for Android and iOS Tablets)
RESTORE2 Slide deck for Trainers (v5 WPSC)
RESTORE2mini Slide deck for Trainers (v6 WPSC)
The Framework for Enhanced Health in Care Homes Version 2 (NHSE March 2020)
Enhanced Healthcare in Care Homes Framework (NHSE Sept 2016)
Improving safety in care homes (AHSN Network Report)
Emergency admissions from care homes (Health Foundation July 2019)
Patient Deterioration in non-acute healthcare settings (Interserve & WPSC)
Nutrition in Older People: Programme Report
Nutrition in Older People: Executive Summary
Patients Association Nutrition Checklist (.zip)
Southern Health / INSCCOPe (.zip)
Community Pharmacies Project (.zip)
Working with the voluntary sector (.zip)
2018 Nutrition in Older People Programme Conference (.zip)
Eating & Drinking Well in Later Life and CORONAVIRUS
2016 Nutrition in Older People Programme Conference (.zip)
Signs someone may be unwell and what should I do? (RESTORE2mini) - Slide deck for Trainers (PPT)
Signs someone may be unwell and what should I do? (RESTORE2mini) - Slide deck for Trainers (PDF)
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook (e-book version for Android and iOS Tablets)
Generic SBARD Communication Tool (WPSC)
2019 Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Annual report (LeDeR 16/7/20)
Care Home Telemedicine Listening Event Summary Report
Care Home Telemedicine Listening Event Presentation
Telemedicine for care homes implementation guide
Telemedicine for Care Homes Information Sharing Event Slides 16th July 2020
Critical Care Telehealth Guide
Video Consultation Awareness for Care Homes
Acute telemedicine possible scenarios
Example Telemedicine Pathways template
Allied Health Professional Care Home Guide
Implementation tree example from Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust
Telemedicine for care homes scoping guide
Telemedicine for Care Homes data collection tool
Questions and Answers Summary from 16th July 2020 telemedicine for care homes webinar
Using Soft Signs to Identify Deterioration - A white paper by Geoff Cooper (Wessex PSC March 2020)
Taxonomy of Soft Signs of Deterioration (Advantage Healthcare & WPSC) May 2017
Emergency admissions from care homes (Health Foundation July 2019)
Using Soft Signs to recognise Deterioration (LeDeR Action Bulletin - Nov 2018)
There are currently no resources within this programme.
AHSN Focus on Lipids Webinar - 30-3-23 - Slides.pdf
South West Collaborative - Webinar series Lipids - Dec 12th (1).pdf
Lipid Management in Primary Care - Sep 27th.pdf
Lipid Management - Taking an Individualised and Population.pdf
Lipid Management slide deck 20-4-23 Dorset.pdf
Lipid Management in Secondary Care Webinar - feedback.pdf
South East Collaborative - Heart Failure - November 21.pdf
South West Collaborative - Heart Failure - October 16th.pdf
South East Collaborative - Hypertension - November 7th.pdf
South East Collaborative - Lipid Optimisation - September 26.pdf
There are currently no resources within this programme.
NICE Clinical Guideline (CG71)
NICE Cholesterol Guideline (CG181)
NHS Quick Guide to CVD PREVENT
Medicine adherence (Khatib et al 2018)
Reengineering the post myocardial infarction medicines optimisation pathway (Khatib et al 2018)
Trends and variation in statin prescribing (Goldacre et al 2019)
Statin therapy assessment (Yao et al 2020)
The experience of taking medicines (Khatib et al 2020)
PHE What Good Looks Like Programme Series
PHE What Good Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Looks Like
PHE Hampshire Isle of Wight CVD Prevention Supporting Data Pack
PHE Dorset CVD Prevention Supporting Data Pack
Public Health England CVD Prevention Pack Dorset STP Feb 2021
Public Health England CVD Prevention Pack HIOW STP Feb 2021
CVD Central Evaluation Support Offer
Handbook Lipid Optimisation FINAL V1 030322.pdf
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
Safe and appropriate prescribing of Gabapentoids
Optimising medications in frail patients to improve health outcomes
Review of gabapentinoid prescribing
Mental health polypharmacy in non-coded primary care patients
Reducing anticoagulant risk in patients with frailty in North West Surrey
When less is more: Deprescribing proton pump inhibitors
High dose Opiate Deprescribing in General Practice
Impact of pharmacist-led medication reviews on the frailty virtual ward (South East Essex)
Review of patients on high dose opioids at Living Well PCN
Mind over bladder - prevent harm associated with excessive or inappropriate anticholinergic burden
Polypharmacy - A Pharmacist Led Medication Review Clinic
Impact of DAMN drugs reviews in Dudley
Impact of an EMIS search to prioritise care home residents for a pharmacist led medication review
Structured medication reviews support
Improving Medication Reviews using the NO TEARS Tool
Review of ferrous sulphate prescribing
Incidental finding of importance of clinical coding
Polypharmacy reviews of asthma and COPD patients over 65 and on 10 or more medicines
Too much of a good thing - Deprescribing Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
Assessing the outcomes of structured medication reviews
Reducing medication related falls risk in patients with severe frailty
Comprehensive and person-centred approach to addressing Polypharmacy in adult care home residents
Polypharmacy - focus ACB - care homes
Case Series - Structured Medication Review in Care Home Residents - Reducing the Burden
Identifying Orthostatic Hypotension caused by Medication
Audit of care home medication reviews
Reducing problematic polypharmacy in Haringey care homes
Harnessing Digital Tools in Medicines Optimisation to tackle Health Inequalities
Improving care in County Durham under the STOMP agenda - A 5 year review
To evaluate the benefits of Structured Medication Reviews in elderly Chinese patients
Re-establishing autonomy in elderly frail patients
Reducing polypharmacy and ACB scores - A multi-faceted approach for improved patient outcomes
Evaluation of the deprescribing of anticholinergic medications in dementia patients
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
MatNeo Local Work and Resources
MatNeo National Work and Resources
MatNeo Coaching Evaluation - Final Report (Feb 2024)
Wessex Healthier Together - Antenatal Care Pathways Poster
UHS PERIPrem Plus Optimal Cord Management (OCM) & Birth Day Cuddles (BDC) poster
RESTORE2 PowerPoint slide deck for Care Home settings (v5 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2 slide deck for Care Home settings (v5 Wessex PSC) [PDF Version]
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Care Home settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Care Home settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Domiciliary Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Domiciliary Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Learning Disability Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Learning Disability Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
2019 Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Annual report (LeDeR 16/7/20)
Action from Learning Report 2019/2020 (LeDeR July 2020)
Improving safety in care homes (HIN Atlas)
RESTORE2 Tool: Adult Physiological Observation & Escalation Chart
RESTORE2mini Care Home Tool: Ask your resident – how are you today?
RESTORE2mini Domiciliary Care Tool: Ask your client – how are you today?
RESTORE2mini Learning Difficulties Tool: Ask the person you support – how are you?
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
InHIP HIOW ICS/ICB local project overview
InHIP Dorset ICS/ICB local project overview
Case study - Primary care approach to CVD prevention 2024 (003).pdf
InHIp HIOW accompanying slide deck 2024.pdf
Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme
Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme (InHIP) - NHS England
Cancer Matters Wessex - Testing for blood in your poo using the FIT test
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no projects within this programme.
CS3. Identifying early signs of Physical Deterioration using Soft Signs
CS9. Supporting the Enhanced Health in Care Homes Framework
CS15. Preterm Optimisation Pathway for Neonates Born Less Than 34 Weeks Gestation- Early Breast Milk
CV16. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Afton ward
CS17. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Beechwood ward
CS18. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Juniper ward
CS19. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Kingsley ward
CS21. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Beechwood ward (Emotion Tree)
CSV1. Managing Deterioration in Care Settings during the Covid-19 pandemic
CSV2. Video Resources to support Care settings during the Covid-19 pandemic
There are currently no resources within this programme.
MatNeo Local Work and Resources
MatNeo National Work and Resources
MatNeo Coaching Evaluation - Final Report (Feb 2024)
Wessex Healthier Together - Antenatal Care Pathways Poster
UHS PERIPrem Plus Optimal Cord Management (OCM) & Birth Day Cuddles (BDC) poster
RESTORE2 PowerPoint slide deck for Care Home settings (v5 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2 slide deck for Care Home settings (v5 Wessex PSC) [PDF Version]
RESTORE2 Trainers Rollout Handbook
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Care Home settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Care Home settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Domiciliary Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Domiciliary Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
RESTORE2mini PowerPoint slide deck for Learning Disability Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC)
RESTORE2mini slide deck for Learning Disability Care settings (v6 Wessex PSC) [PDF version]
2019 Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Annual report (LeDeR 16/7/20)
Action from Learning Report 2019/2020 (LeDeR July 2020)
Improving safety in care homes (HIN Atlas)
RESTORE2 Tool: Adult Physiological Observation & Escalation Chart
RESTORE2mini Care Home Tool: Ask your resident – how are you today?
RESTORE2mini Domiciliary Care Tool: Ask your client – how are you today?
RESTORE2mini Learning Difficulties Tool: Ask the person you support – how are you?
QI e-learning and training providers May 2024.pdf
QI resources and toolkits May 2024.pdf
QI blogs, articles, and podcasts May 2024.pdf
Quality Improvement Made Simple (The Health Foundation)
QI Further Websites May 2024.pdf
The Game Guide - Interactive Exercises for Trainers to Teach Quality Improvement (NY)
HEE Patient Safety Toolkit "In Safe Hands" (HEE 2019)
The Improvement Toolkit (NENC 2019)
Attributing causality in QI: lessons from epidemiology (Poots et al. bmjqs-2017-006756)
Caring to change - How compassionate leadership can stimulate innovation in health care (Kings Fund)
Embedding quality improvement skills in NHS (NHSE Sep 2017)
Hampshire Hospitals FT - QI Workbook
NHS Institute - Handbook of Quality and Service Improvement Tools
RCEM Quality Improvement Guide
Shared commitment to quality from the National Quality Board
Short Guide to building improvement capacity in NHS (NHSI Sep 2017)
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
There are currently no resources within this programme.
InHIP HIOW ICS/ICB local project overview
InHIP Dorset ICS/ICB local project overview
Case study - Primary care approach to CVD prevention 2024 (003).pdf
InHIp HIOW accompanying slide deck 2024.pdf
Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme
Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme (InHIP) - NHS England
Cancer Matters Wessex - Testing for blood in your poo using the FIT test