Leah Gallon

Associate Director Innovation Adoption (Dorset ICS locality)

Leah Gallon is the Associate Director Innovation Adoption (Dorset ICS locality) and is overseeing the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) programme, Medicines Optimisation programme and Primary Care programme.

Leah joined the organisation from an acute NHS trust where she was the Clinical Service Manager for Therapies, and during the Covid pandemic worked as Silver Command and the Trust Covid Operational Lead.

Prior to this she has worked in both acute and community NHS settings around Hampshire. Leah is a respiratory physiotherapist by background. She has worked in a variety of roles including clinical, operational, transformation and programme lead. She has delivered large scale projects, across systems and has been involved in improving patient pathways, bringing in new digital options and ways of working.

Leah is passionate about making a difference in the NHS after starting her career as a physiotherapist and wanting to improve the quality of care for patients. She is using her skills developed across various roles to make a wider difference within the NHS across the Wessex region.

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Currently working on...

CVD - Cardiovascular Disease

Meeting the need for improved prevention and management across Wessex - the NHS Long Term Plan states that the b... Find out more >

Innovation Adoption

We believe in improving lives through innovation by surfacing key priorities and needs through curious questioning to supp... Find out more >

Lipid Management

From 2021 the 15 AHSN’s will focus on enabling the NHS to optimise lipid management in people at increased cardiovascular ... Find out more >

Medicines Optimisation

Health Innovation Wessex (HIW) is the national lead for the Health Innovation Network's (HIN) Medicines Optimisation (MO) ... Find out more >

National Programmes

The programmes we deliver comprise national commissions from NHS England (including supporting the Accelerated Access Coll... Find out more >

Primary and Community Care Programme

There is no shortage of innovation in the NHS, but too often innovations do not have the reach or impact that would be exp... Find out more >


Background The NHS workforce is experiencing significant challenges and urgent action is required to tackle staff shortag... Find out more >