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A conversation about why acute physical deterioration needs addressing and how the acronym PIER (Prevention, Identification, Escalation and Response) can help do this across system pathways. Featuring Dr Aidan Fowler, National Director of Patient Safety in England and Laura Hailes, Nurse and Senior Improvement Manager at NHS England in the National Patient Safety Team.
Clare Howard, Wessex AHSN Clinical Lead for Medicines Optimisation and Chair of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Opioids Sub-Group is joined by Dr Cathy Price, Clinical Director Primary Care and Clinical Lead for the Solent NHS Trust Pain Service, to discuss some of the common issues relating to prescribing opioids for chronic non-cancer pain.
Similar issues come up time and time again in relation to polypharmacy and stopping medicines in the older person. Listen to Clare Howard (Pharmacist and Clinical Lead for Medicines Optimisation with Wessex AHSN and the AHSN Network) and Robin Fakrell (Consultant Geriatrician at the Royal United Hospital NHS FT and Associate Director Aging Well and Frailty, Bath) discuss the common issues and how prescribers might tackle them differently.
NHS England have introduced the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) which Wessex PSC are involved in delivering to trusts across our region. Watch this short introduction video to learn what the framework is and the benefits it will bring to our healthcare system.
SBARD is an easy to remember approach you can use to frame communications or conversations.
It is a structured way of communicating information that requires a response from the receiver.
SBARD can be used very effectively to escalate a clinical problem that requires immediate attention, or to facilitate efficient handover of residents between health and care teams.
This video will show the benefits of using SBARD for care home staff and how it can improve the quality of care for our patients.