
Category: Healthy Ageing

What is a virtual ward?

Virtual wards provide hospital level care and remote monitoring in your own home. They allow you to stay at home, receive care at home, or after being in hospital to continue your treatment at home where you are most comfortable. There is emerging evidence to show that patients have better outcomes when treated at home rather than being treated in hospital. Watch this video (produced for NHS England by EBPC UK) to find out more.

BBC South Today 140722: Falls and Frailty car service

An innovative urgent community response team celebrates the addition of a second vehicle to its falls and frailty car service in North Hampshire. The service enables patients living with frailty to be treated at home and to avoid a trip to the Emergency Department. Wessex AHSN’s healthy ageing team worked in partnership with the providers to review this collaborative approach, and consolidate the learning into an Urgent Community Response Frailty Service Toolkit to support the spread of the model across England and help ambulance services to deliver the national urgent community response target.

Falls prevention innovation: thinking differently along the patient journey event 23 February 2023

This is a Wessex AHSN Healthy Ageing programme interactive virtual event: Falls prevention innovation: thinking differently along the patient journey

Hear about the journey of an innovation from concept to real world delivery, led by integrated care system leaders, highlighting how they overcame common implementation barriers
Participate in our pre and post event Attitudes to Innovation Survey, helping to shape how Wessex AHSN Healthy Ageing programme shares and delivers innovation events that aim to open hearts and minds to thinking differently about service provision in falls prevention.

Wessex AHSN and the London Clinical Frailty Network Frailty e-Learning Programme. Reflections from Dr. Adrian Hayter

Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust (HHFT), in collaboration with the London Clinical Frailty Network and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Health Education England co-produced, developed and launched the Frailty, E-Learning for Excellence in Frailty Identification, Assessment and Personalised Care (Tier 1 and 2) Programme in May 2021.

This exciting and novel collaboration has enabled the development of an e-learning programme aimed at standardising training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system and long term condition. To date this elearning programme has seen widespread spread and adoption.

Compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.

The e-learning compliments the Tier 3 British Geriatrics Society capabilities and skills.

This 4-minute video, showcases Dr Adrian Hayter, National Clinical Director for Older People and Integrated Person Centred Care (NHS England and NHS Improvement), discussing the frailty e-learning package and the role of the AHSN Network in spreading innovation.

Please access the training at:, or via Frailty - e-Learning for Healthcare.

Wessex Acute Frailty Audit (WAFA) data in action - Final Collaborative Event 30 March 2022

Collaborative event bringing together Wessex Acute Trust audit leads and their working groups, looking to improve acute services for those 65+ living with frailty. The event aimed to share service improvement plans and identify 1-2 service improvement projects for Wessex AHSN to support, additionally providing an opportunity for networking and sharing of best practice.

Active Lives - Learn more about a digital tool to promote physical activity for those 65+

Listen to Dr Katherine Bradbury, Health Psychologist from the University of Southampton highlight the evidence behind Active Lives and how this free, easy to use website helps people aged 65+ stay active, fit and healthy. This short film shows the benefits of doing gradual physical activity around the home and how a digital intervention can help.