Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust (HHFT), in collaboration with the London Clinical Frailty Network and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Health Education England co-produced, developed and launched the Frailty, E-Learning for Excellence in Frailty Identification, Assessment and Personalised Care (Tier 1 and 2) Programme in May 2021.
This exciting and novel collaboration has enabled the development of an e-learning programme aimed at standardising training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system and long term condition. To date this elearning programme has seen widespread spread and adoption.
Compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.
The e-learning compliments the Tier 3 British Geriatrics Society capabilities and skills.
This 4-minute video, showcases Dr Adrian Hayter, National Clinical Director for Older People and Integrated Person Centred Care (NHS England and NHS Improvement), discussing the frailty e-learning package and the role of the AHSN Network in spreading innovation.
Please access the training at: portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/683810, or via Frailty - e-Learning for Healthcare.
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