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Exploring current developments relating to the condition including identification, treatments, targets and incentives, plus examples of best practice.
Around 340 mobile electrocardiogram (ECG) units are being distributed to CCGs, GP practices, pharmacies, NHS community clinics and hospitals across the Wessex region.
Anticoagulants are medicines which prevent harmful blood clots, by slightly changing the balance of the natural clotting process. Wessex AHSN has worked closely with several clinical and non-profit organisations to create information resources supporting the use of novel anticoagulants.
There are a number of important things to be aware of when starting anticoagulants. Let's hear from our fictional character Jack as he begins taking this medication and talks about his concerns.
This video showcases why collaboration across the NHS works perfectly for the patient.
We enabled secondary care specialists to work in partnership with GP practices to provide care in the community and ensured a streamline patient journey linked to on-going care by the community pharmacist.