
Category: Medicines Optimisation

Better Local Care: the story so far

Better Local Care in Hampshire wants to simplify how you access health and social care in your community by removing the red tape that often causes delays and frustration so you get the care you need at the right time, in the right place, by the right person.

It will achieve this by bringing together care professionals who already support the same local people, offering new ways for patients and the public to shape their own local services, and making sure care funding goes where it will make the biggest difference to people’s lives.

This video, produced by our CCG colleagues, describes the work of the Better Local Care programme over the past three years (2015-18), the results and what’s next.

Taking charge of your medicines with Mo

Meet Mo. Mo is just like the rest of us.

The ‘Meet Mo’ video has been produced to encourage patients – who take several types of medicine – to book a review with their local pharmacist.

This is because, over time, people who take many different types of medicines for different reasons can find their treatments sometimes do not work well together.

A medicines review can help prevent trips to the GP or even hospital, and most importantly, help people feel better. A local pharmacist is a good place to have this conversation.

Working together to improve anti-coagulation in Atrial Fibrillation

This video showcases why collaboration across the NHS works perfectly for the patient.

We enabled secondary care specialists to work in partnership with GP practices to provide care in the community and ensured a streamline patient journey linked to on-going care by the community pharmacist.

PINCER - The Background Story

Listen to Sarah Rogers, one of the original researchers from the University of Nottingham, talk about the evidence base for the PINCER Tool and what it can do for medicines safety in primarycare

Polypharmacy Conference Highlights Video

Wessex AHSN Medicines Optimisation Team have been working with a small group of people, locally and nationally to develop a set of comparators to help CCG's and practices identify people who are potentially at risk from polypharmacy. The polypharmacy comparators were launched in a local workshop on 30th March 2017. They will be available nationally for every CCG and Practice to access from early 2017. This is the highlights video of the event

Insulin Self Administration in Hospital - a Nurse and Patient Experience

Increasing the number of people who are offered and supported to administer their own insulin while in hospital is a complex change to make. To support trusts through the steps we have been working with Lilly UK to develop a guide to implementation which Salisbury, Hampshire Hospitals and University Hospital Southampton are now piloting with us.