
Category: Medicines Optimisation

Electronic Repeat Dispensing - making it work (extended version)

The number of medicines prescribed per person has increased annually placing an enormous workload on practices, patients and pharmacies. In the NHS in England over 1 billion prescription items are prescribed and dispensed each year. Electronic repeat dispensing is sometimes known as batch prescribing but it is different to electronic prescribing, managed repeats or usual repeat prescriptions because the GP has authorised up to a years’ worth of medications to be collected regularly from the pharmacy. Electronic repeat dispensing, also known as eRD, has been proven to reduce the workload and improve both medication safety and patient experience. We asked two GPs and a pharmacist to tell us their experience of implementing eRD; the challenges, the benefits and why they would never go back.

Mo’s Medicines - Electronic Repeat Dispensing

This is the third in the 'Meet Mo' campaign series. This video sees Mo join electronic repeat dispensing which cuts time for Mo, Mo's GP and pharmacist.

General Practice is under considerable demand, and repeat prescribing is a significant part of GPs’ daily work load.

Electronic Repeat Dispensing (eRD) is an NHS service which has been shown to save GP time spent on repeat prescriptions, and to be more convenient for patients. As part of the work being done in Wessex to support the effective roll out of this valuable NHS service, Wessex AHSN has developed this short animation (the third in our meet Mo series) to help the public to be aware of the service, and its benefits.

As with the past two “Mo” videos we have endeavoured to make the animation as engaging and lively as possible.

The Electronic Repeat Dispensing service is intended for patients with a long-term condition, which requires repeat medicines, that do not change regularly. Their GP can authorise up to 12 months of such medicines. These prescriptions are stored electronically, and then dispensed and supplied to the patient by the patient's community pharmacist when they are needed. The patient does not have to request prescriptions from the GP during this period.

To find out more about this service or to see the range of resources we have developed to support eRD see

Wessex Innovation Forum: Isle of Wight highlights video

Highlights from the Isle of Wight Innovation Forum, held on 4 July 2018.

Mo’s Medicines: from Hospital to Home

The latest Mo video follows Mo's journey from hospital to home.

Sometimes, if you have a stay in hospital, your medicines can change. You may be given new medicines to take. This can be a lot to remember, especially if you were already taking medicine.

And by time you are back at home, it can be tricky to remember what you need to take. This is where a pharmacist can help.

Better Local Care: the story so far

Better Local Care in Hampshire wants to simplify how you access health and social care in your community by removing the red tape that often causes delays and frustration so you get the care you need at the right time, in the right place, by the right person.

It will achieve this by bringing together care professionals who already support the same local people, offering new ways for patients and the public to shape their own local services, and making sure care funding goes where it will make the biggest difference to people’s lives.

This video, produced by our CCG colleagues, describes the work of the Better Local Care programme over the past three years (2015-18), the results and what’s next.