
Category: Medicines Optimisation

Transfers of Care Around Medicines (TCAM) - lessons learnt from the national rollout

A round table discussion with participants sharing their experience of the national roll out of TCAM service.

Hosted by Clare Howard, the Clinical Lead for Medicines Optimisation at Wessex AHSN and the national lead of the TCAM Programme.

Listed here are the timings to each section:

00:31 Why did you get involved?
08:47 Getting Started
19:33 What were the main barriers to implementing? What about IT and IG?
33:52 What was the role of data?
41:43 How do you engage the disengaged?
48:20 If you were starting now, what would you do?

FeNO Learning Collaborative - 12/10/2021

A series of online events bringing together healthcare professionals from across the country who are currently using FeNO, are in the process of implementing testing or are interested in/planning to do so.

Written Medicines Round Table

We convened a group of Pharmacy Professionals from across the region to discuss Written Medicines product and potential impact

Using the NHSBSA Polypharmacy Prescribing Comparators

A video tour an explanation of the polypharmacy prescribing comparators and how to use them in ePACT2.

YOURmeds - digital medication management

Wessex AHSN hosted a webinar for YOURmeds in Dec 2020. This system helps individuals take the right medication at the right time. The mobile-enabled YOURmeds Tag clips to a special monitored dosage pack filled by the pharmacy, and visually and audibly alerts at the time medication is due to be taken. If an error is made โ€“ late, forgotten, incorrect day or excess dose โ€“ the Tag will inform the userโ€™s support network via a cascade of smart-phone alerts, so the right support can be mobilised.

Discover how West Lothian Council and Manchester City Council are using YOURmeds to manage medication in the community. By empowering someone to take their medication, West Lothian Council is using the adherence data as a daily cognitive check. A drop in adherence is a quick way to promote preventative health and social care. The webinar was chaired by Charles Lowe, CEO of the Digital Health and Care Alliance (1 hour)