For further information about our Lipid Optimisation including background reading, resources to support implementation this is the place to look...
Cardiovascular Disease Programme
National Guidance
Clinical Pathways
Prescribing Lipid Lowering Medicines
Taking Medicines
South East AHSN Collaborative
NICE Clinical Guideline (CG71)
NICE Cholesterol Guideline (CG181)
NHS Quick Guide to CVD PREVENT
Medicine adherence (Khatib et al 2018)
Reengineering the post myocardial infarction medicines optimisation pathway (Khatib et al 2018)
Trends and variation in statin prescribing (Goldacre et al 2019)
Statin therapy assessment (Yao et al 2020)
The experience of taking medicines (Khatib et al 2020)
PHE What Good Looks Like Programme Series
PHE What Good Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Looks Like
PHE Hampshire Isle of Wight CVD Prevention Supporting Data Pack
PHE Dorset CVD Prevention Supporting Data Pack
Public Health England CVD Prevention Pack Dorset STP Feb 2021
Public Health England CVD Prevention Pack HIOW STP Feb 2021
CVD Central Evaluation Support Offer
Handbook Lipid Optimisation FINAL V1 030322.pdf