We are proud to launch our review of 2020-21.
This year, the review is a live microsite - which directly connects our impact to resources, videos, guides, podcasts and other useful tools, which we have produced with our partners - with whom we work very closely to collaborate and deliver together. You can see the review microsite here: wessexahsn.org.uk/annual-review-2020-21
Over the past year, we have urgently supported our local systems and regional partners with the response to the pandemic, whilst maintaining vital business as usual activities.
In this review, we outline our key impacts, and which support our colleagues to keep patients in Wessex safe and well.
We will continue this approach for 2021-22, as the system recovers and restores, as outlined in our business plan.
Headline impacts for the past year include:- Covid Oximetry @home helped over 16,000 COVID-19 patients across the south of England.
- We have supported 230 healthcare companies, resulting in 101 jobs created or safeguarded with an economic growth of over £41m (sales, grants and investment).
- 1.8m patients are now benefiting from online access to their GP, across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
- 1.2m extra electronic repeat dispensing prescription items issued, resulting in 5,600 GP hours saved.
- Transfers of Care Around Medicines (TCAM) (now the NHS Discharge Medicines Service) made over 8,500 referrals in Wessex this year.
- 14 videos produced to help people in care homes, created by the Wessex patient safety team with the West of England AHSN, Hampshire and Isle of Wight CCGs, and Health Education England, were watched over 250,000 times (this figure has since increased).
- As part of our overall response to the pandemic, AHSN staff have used their clinical and research skills – or have volunteered – to help with the major rollout of the vaccination at their local centres.