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Funded by NHS England South West, Health Innovation Wessex is supporting the spread of a quality improvement project initiated in University Hospital Southampton. The project focuses on equity of access to appropriate equipment for expressing maternal breastmilk.
The aim of this toolkit, developed by Health Innovation Wessex, is to tell you everything you need to know about this project and provide you with the tools and resources to implement a similar project in your own healthcare setting.
Exploring current developments relating to the condition including identification, treatments, targets and incentives, plus examples of best practice.
BBC South Today's health correspondent Alastair Fee reports on a community-based initiative operated by Health Innovation Wessex to improve access to health checks in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, aided by innovative technology. This work was carried out as part of NHS England's Innovation for Healthcare Inequalities Programme (InHIP), which focused on delivering equal access to high quality, evidence-based care.
Harry Redknapp has the following message to anyone who has not returned their FIT kit.
If your GP has asked you to complete a FIT (poo test) kit, please make sure you return it to them as soon as possible.
"If bowel cancer is diagnosed in the early stages, there's a much greater chance of successful treatment."
Find out more about how to do the test at
Video produced by Copia Productions as part of the Wessex Cancer Innovation Programme, a joint initiative with the Wessex Cancer Alliance.
Find out more about the Wessex Cancer Innovation Programme at
In June 2023, Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Wessex jointly hosted an event exploring how research and innovation can help tackle health inequalities. In this video, representatives from across the Wessex health and care system explore some of the challenges facing the region.
In June 2023, Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Wessex jointly hosted an event exploring how research and innovation can help tackle health inequalities.
Heather Parsons, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Lead at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, has been working with patients and the public to design and develop a new Public Involvement Academy, a collaboration of research organisations across Wessex. In this video, she explains one alternative approach for patients to tell their story.