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Exploring current developments relating to the condition including identification, treatments, targets and incentives, plus examples of best practice.
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Better Local Care in Hampshire wants to simplify how you access health and social care in your community by removing the red tape that often causes delays and frustration so you get the care you need at the right time, in the right place, by the right person.
It will achieve this by bringing together care professionals who already support the same local people, offering new ways for patients and the public to shape their own local services, and making sure care funding goes where it will make the biggest difference to people’s lives.
This video, produced by our CCG colleagues, describes the work of the Better Local Care programme over the past three years (2015-18), the results and what’s next.
The End of Life Care Project was delivered in 2013 with Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust & the Weldmar Hospicecare Trust after the outgoing South West SHA identified that acute trusts had room for improvement in their end of life care.
DCHFT and Weldmar delivered a project around: 1) multi-professional communication skills training in 12 workshops for all clinicians working in the trust, and 2) the establishment of an End of Life Care Champions Group for registered and non-registered healthcare workers in the trust to attend study days and learning & practice days to see EOL care taking place in another setting.
In September 2011, the Weldmar Hospicecare Trust (Weldmar) held its 21st anniversary conference Complexities of Care – Ensuring Excellence in End of Life Care. The conference explored the need to meet the changing and growing expectations of hospice users and how this can be achieved at a time of significant demographic challenges and global economic crisis. To meet this challenge the Weldmar has innovatively reconfigured its services with the aims of building capacity, and further improving its offer, within existing resources.
Andy Pring, South West Public Health Observatory, was a guest speaker at the conference. In this video he examines the demographic challenge.
In September 2011, the Weldmar Hospicecare Trust (Weldmar) held its 21st anniversary conference Complexities of Care – Ensuring Excellence in End of Life Care. The conference explored the need to meet the changing and growing expectations of hospice users and how this can be achieved at a time of significant demographic challenges and global economic crisis. To meet this challenge the Weldmar has innovatively reconfigured its services with the aims of building capacity, and further improving its offer, within existing resources.
Dai Roberts (St Ann’s Hospice) and Berys Birdfield (Nurse Practitioner – Older Person’s Mental Health) spoke at the conference. In this video both speakers set-out the need for a personalised approach to meeting patient/user need.