Wessex Polypharmacy Pilot Action Learning Set (ALS) was developed by Health Innovation Wessex and supported by Health Education England (HEE). The ALS further developed the Yorkshire and Humber research to understand the barriers and enablers to healthcare practitioners stopping inappropriate medicines safely.
The pilot included five cohorts and was evaluated by Cindy Brooks (research fellow) and Dr Catherine Matheson (senior research fellow) at the Centre for Implementation Science, University of Southampton. This evaluation was published in BMC Medical Education June 2022 - read the article in full here.
The key findings of this evaluation are that the Polypharmacy ALS contributed to:
Other key findings from the pre and post survey included:
Following the University of Southampton evaluation, HEE South funded a further 9 cohorts across Wessex, Oxford, Southwest and West of England HIN.
To date over 400 delegates have completed the Polypharmacy ALS. Health Innovation Wessex have continued to measure outcomes and delegate positivity has been retained:
Each ALS is split into three half day sessions which typically run over two months with facilitators from the region such as local geriatricians and NICE associates. Delegates are required to attend all three sessions and complete homework in-between. ALS sessions are advertised locally and delegates are encouraged to attend according to their local geography.
To find out more or sign up to a course please email weahsn.polypharmacyprogramme@nhs.net