The Healthy Ageing Programme ran between 2007-2023. This work is no longer being updated; the information below is provided for reference only. If you would like further information about our Healthy Ageing Programme, please get in touch.
On the 29 March 2023, Health Innovation Wessex welcomed 40 delegates to a virtual and interactive event to hear about the exciting findings from our Wessex wide 2022 Anticipatory Care Audit – Older People. At this event, we:
The Health Innovation Wessex Anticipatory care (Proactive care) audit event:
A slide deck from the event can be downloaded from our resources section. A final report is available here or in the resources tab to the right of this page.
Health Innovation Wessex Healthy Ageing 2022 Anticipatory Care Audit for Older People
“Working collaboratively with our health, care and voluntary sector partners, we have co-developed an audit to fully understand Anticipatory Care provision, across and within services and organisations.
Our ultimate aim is to help support front line staff in managing patients appropriately, minimising duplication, variation, avoid missed opportunities and to and ensure the best journey for older individuals (over 65) living in Wessex, their families and their carers."
Cheryl Davies, Senior Programme Manager, Healthy Ageing, Health Innovation Wessex.
Launched on 1 November 2022, the Anticipatory Care audit for Older People will help Wessex ICS’ understand the existing Anticipatory Care processes and systems in place, how these are shared and accessed alongside existing examples of best practice and operational challenges.
We received 58 responses from the audit from a number of settings across Wessex.
The findings from this audit will be used to inform future development of potential interoperability and innovative solutions and enhancements within and between existing systems.
Who completed the audit?
We encouraged our colleagues across health, social and the voluntary sector to complete this audit as a team, to enable conversations around present anticipatory care provision within:
*Whilst this audit did not focus on End of Life Care, we welcomed contributions from settings that provided this care.
We recommended completing the audit as a multidisciplinary team (MDT) during team meetings to optimise the completion of the audit or we are happy to facilitate a 30 minute virtual session to complete.
What value did completing this audit give to me/my team/organisation?
It has provided the ability to:
What are the planned outputs of the audit?
Data collected from will be analysed by the Health Innovation Wessex Insight team. Summary outputs will be shared with contributors and partners with Wessex ICS' at a feedback event during March 2023. There will be opportunity for Wessex partners attend, to connect with others, share emergent best practice and to hear the results of the audit. During the event we will look to identify areas where the Health Innovation Network could add value to support the delivery of Anticipatory Care in 2023/24.
Why focus on Anticipatory Care for Older People?
Anticipatory care benefits for individuals, families, and professionals:
What was the purpose of the Health Innovation Wessex Anticipatory Care Audit for Older People?
The audit asked questions on:
Background to the project
The purpose of the Health Innovation Wessex Anticipatory Care Audit was to identify the baseline across settings to fully understand anticipatory care provision.
We recognised that other surveys relating to anticipatory care are in circulation and endeavoured to focus our questions to reduce duplication, identifying other data sources to triangulate where possible.
In addition to the audit, working alongside our local community, through community conversations, we have developed an inclusive approach to capture the voices of individuals and their understanding of anticipatory care.
Data collected from this audit, is being analysed and shared with contributors and partners with Wessex ICS' at a feedback event during March 2023.
If you have any queries or would like to use the audit tool in your locality, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Further information and resources developed by NHS England can be found on NHS Futures Platform
Featured video
Wessex Anticipatory Care Feedback Event March 2023
Health Innovation Wessex 2022 Anticipatory Care Audit Dashboard
Anticipatory Care: A Community Perspective (Solent NHS Trust)
Health Innovation Wessex Frailty Audit Approach Summary
List of contributing organisations
2022 Health Innovation Wessex Proactive Care Audit Summary Report