The Healthy Ageing Programme ran between 2007-2023. This work is no longer being updated; the information below is provided for reference only. If you would like further information about our Healthy Ageing Programme, please get in touch.
What are Wessex Frailty fundamentals?
Health Innovation Wessex Healthy Ageing programme in collaboration with frailty experts across Wessex have developed a simple, interactive dashboard to take you straight to our suite of frailty resources and toolkits. Comprising of key resources to support health and social care professionals and those delivering care to individuals living with frailty.
We encourage you to:
This resource is also available on the Same Day Emergency Care NHS Collaboration Platform and has been included in the national FRAIL strategy.
Please note, Health Innovation Wessex has undertaken horizon scanning activities in goodwill for the purpose of improving healthcare services and has no commercial interest in any of the information presented. Health Innovation Wessex’s research activity is not intended to include an exhaustive list of resources and Health Innovation Wessex are not responsible should there be a relevant resource or link produced that has not been identified and reported within our resources.
Please contact us for further information.
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