This collection of Case Studies is a representative sample of some of the work of Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative in support of a culture of safety, continuous learning and sustainable improvement across the healthcare system.
Individual Case Studies can be downloaded from the resources tab on the right of this webpage.
CS1. Developing a system wide approach to improving the detection and management of deteriorating patients using NEWS2 (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS2. Co-producing RESTORE2, the NEWS2 based physical deterioration and escalation tool for Care Homes (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS3. Identifying early signs of Physical Deterioration using Soft Signs (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CS4. Co-producing RESTORE2mini – Using Soft Signs and SBAR/D to improve the identification of Physical Deterioration and the communication of concerns in care settings (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS5. Promoting RESTORE2 and RESTORE2mini as part of a system response to Covid-19 in Care Homes and Domiciliary /Home Care settings (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS6. Collaborative working to develop video resources to support Carers to identify deterioration and communicate concern (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CS7. Using a system wide “Train the Trainer” approach to support the Care sector to manage physical deterioration and communicate concerns (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS8. Joint working to support the adoption of RESTORE2mini in Learning Disability Care settings across England (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS9. Supporting the Enhanced Health in Care Homes Framework (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CS10. RESTORE2mini for Domiciliary Care – A collaborative project to improve the identification of Physical Deterioration and the communication of concerns in Domiciliary / Home care settings (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS11. A Domiciliary Care collaboration to improve staff confidence around hydration care reducing/preventing dehydration related deterioration (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS12. ARISE+ - Co-designing a model to support patient & carer engagement in Quality Improvement projects (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CSV1 Managing Deterioration in Care Settings during the Covid-19 pandemic (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CSV2 Video Resources to support Care settings during the Covid-19 pandemic (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CS13. PEWS: Wessex Paediatric Teams lead on initial usability testing - Wessex PSC work closely with ODN to support 2 of the 3 sites that undertook the initial usability testing of a new system to identify and escalate deteriorating children. (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS14. PEWS: The Power of Networks - South East PSCs work together with ODN to support the implementation of a new system to identify and escalate deteriorating children. (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS15. Preterm Optimisation Pathway for Neonates Born Less Than 34 Weeks Gestation- Early Breast Milk (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CS16. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Afton ward (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS17. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Beechwood ward (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS18. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Juniper ward (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CS19. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Kingsley ward (For more info, visit our webpage here) | CS21. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Beechwood ward (Emotion Tree) (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
CS20. Supporting the implementation of the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) across Wessex (For more info, visit our webpage here) |
Featured video
RESTORE2 - The Deterioration and Escalation Tool for Care Homes and non acute care settings
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CS3. Identifying early signs of Physical Deterioration using Soft Signs
CS9. Supporting the Enhanced Health in Care Homes Framework
CS15. Preterm Optimisation Pathway for Neonates Born Less Than 34 Weeks Gestation- Early Breast Milk
CV16. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Afton ward
CS17. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Beechwood ward
CS18. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Juniper ward
CS19. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Kingsley ward
CS21. MHSIP: Reducing Restrictive Practice on Beechwood ward (Emotion Tree)
CSV1. Managing Deterioration in Care Settings during the Covid-19 pandemic
CSV2. Video Resources to support Care settings during the Covid-19 pandemic