Working collaboratively Health Innovation Wessex Healthy Ageing, Insight team, and NIHR ARC Wessex representatives:
1. Designed and implemented six face-to-face community listening events during April – August 2022
2. Listened to 48 adults aged 65+ (excluding numbers from sixth group) from a diverse range of community groups in Wessex
3. Garnered views of participants on the use of digital remote monitoring (to monitor health signs and symptoms and/or sensors to monitor patterns and behaviours of daily life), to support early identification of deterioration among adults aged 65+ living with frailty in the community.
From our community groups, we found five overarching themes on the use of digital remote monitoring for health and care: Value of face to face, Usability, Knowing me, Helpful and Limiting, Privacy. Our initial insights can be found here, alongside our summary of further recommendations and case study
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Digital Inclusion for Older People
85 year-old Maureen's Digital Journey
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Professor Leela Damodaran FAccS, Switching the focus from training to support
TogetherNet - Keeping Gosport residents connected
DONOR: New research project to explore whether digital coaching can support people with frailty
Remote monitoring and living with frailty
Report - Age Friendly Digital Island Survey 2021
Blog: My now 85-year-old mum, Maureen has been a proud owner of an iPad for nearly a year