C-PEP aims to deliver a sustainable, evidence based programme of education for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which will result in a reduction of the impact of the disease on the health of the individual and the finances of the NHS.
C-PEP is a COPD self-management education programme, designed specifically for those with ongoing and newly diagnosed COPD at moderate level or above (>= MRC2). It is not a substitute for pulmonary rehabilitation, but should instead complement it. The programme can be accessed pre- or post-pulmonary rehabilitation and is also ideal for those who have refused to take up pulmonary rehabilitation.
The project’s objectives are to:
- improve patients’ knowledge and understanding of their condition
- bring about belief and behaviour change within and beyond the programme – building confidence and motivation
- improve self-efficacy and ability to self-manage through access to appropriate existing services.
The expected outcomes from the above intervention include:
- More appropriate intervention (earlier or later) and medication adherence
- Increased access to
- Local smoking cessation services
- Psychological therapies
- Long-term exercise
- British Lung Foundation (BLF) support: Breathe Easy, BLF Helpline, BLF web forum and website
- Over the longer term, reduction in hospital admissions, service uptake.
Content includes:
- Understanding of COPD, physical and emotional impact
- Myth-busting and discussion of psychological factors
- Information on treatments, medication, inhaler techniques
- Use of BLF tailored First Steps brochure, with development of personal development goals
- Individualised approach to smoking cessation
- Referral to appropriate services (e.g. psychological therapies, smoking cessation, long-term exercise)
Materials include:
- BLF COPD leaflet and a range of other relevant brochures
- BLF First Steps brochure – an easy to understand, visually appealing brochure for people with little understanding of self-management. This patient focused publication will be tailored to include local information.
- BLF award winning Living Well with COPD DVD – easy to follow, chapter separated for ease of reference.
The programme is delivered by a multi-disciplinary team of trainers experienced in chronic respiratory care, self-management and behaviour change who are able to answer questions arising from patients. Referrals are accepted from a range of primary, intermediate, secondary and tertiary care.
Particular attention will be paid to involving, where possible, other local providers of services including pulmonary rehabilitation, smoking cessation, exercise referral, expert patient programme and BLF Breathe Easy support groups.