The Healthy Ageing Programme ran between 2007-2023. This work is no longer being updated; the information below is provided for reference only. If you would like further information about our Healthy Ageing Programme, please get in touch.
"A really important piece of work demonstrating the use of frailty identification and screening across all of health and social care, and indeed society as a whole.”
James Lee, Nurse Consultant, Older Persons and Frailty, Salisbury Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Following on from the Health Innovation Wessex Healthy Ageing acute frailty audit and workshop delivered during 2018/19, local acute trusts have been working on developing key resources to help improve the identification and screening for frailty and providing guidance on best practice for sharing this key information, providing an oversight of where patients living with frailty are located as well as their level of frailty.
Aims of the project:
The aim of the project was to develop a suite of standards to support a consistent approach across Wessex within a hospital setting in identifying and sharing important information about individuals living with frailty.
The programme and Wessex frailty subject matter experts have developed a suite of downloadable screening resources for use within both acute and social care settings.
The resources have been trialled within Salisbury Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Hampshire County Council Adult Social Care to ensure that the trial the resources standards in a real world setting, developing additional hints and tips to aid implementation within organisations. Implementation resources for acute settings and social care are available to download under the resources tab to the right of this webpage.
The developed resources were shared with the London Clinical Frailty Network during 2020 to support the Covid-19 pandemic response. Additionally, these resources have been included in the Health Education England national frailty offer as exemplar resources.
Project team contributing to the development of these resources: