The Healthy Ageing Programme ran between 2007-2023. This work is no longer being updated; the information below is provided for reference only. If you would like further information about our Healthy Ageing Programme, please get in touch.
Frailty, E-Learning for Excellence in Frailty Identification Assessment Training
In 2021, Health Innovation Wessex (previously Wessex Academic Health Science Network), Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust (HHFT), in collaboration with the London Clinical Frailty Network and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Health Education England are delighted to announce the launch of Frailty, E-Learning for Excellence in Frailty Identification, Assessment and Personalised Care (Tier 1 and 2).
Please access the training at:, or via Frailty - e-Learning for Healthcare alongside the frailty screening toolkits at
This exciting and novel collaboration enabled the development of an e-learning programme aimed at standardising training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system, long term condition.
The education programme is compliant with the ‘Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London. The e-learning compliments the Tier 3 British Geriatrics Society capabilities and skills.
An evaluation on the impact and spread of the frailty e-learning was published March 2022.
Featured video
6 month evaluation report Frailty Programme Executive Summary (2021-22)
6 month evaluation report Frailty Programme (2021-22)
Solutions to barriers implementing frailty education
Health Innovation Wessex Education Implementation Toolbox
Tier 2 Education Resources December 2020
Frequently asked questions: frailty e-learning
Frailty screening what do you need to know leaflet
Frailty Education and Awareness Wessex AHSN launch May 2021
Communicating with people living with frailty leaflet
Holistic approaches for assessing people living with frailty leaflet