Anticoagulation in Covid-19
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Wessex AHSN have developed a range of resources to help with the detection of AF and the protection of patients through anticoagulation and perfection of treatment.
We held a series of educational sessions for professionals on 'understanding anticoagulation', this included shared decision making and patient-centred discussions. For the clinical content of the sessions please watch the anticoagulation presentation below.
Pharmacists are ideally placed to support patients knowledge and understanding of anticoagulation and possible side-effects, as it is recognised that they do not always absorb and understand key messages when initially prescribed their medication.
All the slide presentations and resources from these sessions are available on this page.
In 2020/21 we are developing educational videos to support understanding of some of the more complex aspects of anticoagulation and Atrial Fibrillation management that we are learning from our project work in practices.
Also in 2020/21 we are working with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to develop an anticoagulation counselling pathway from the hospital and out into community pharmacy and GP practices. The aim is to ensure patients have multiple opportunities to discuss their anticoagulant medication to prevent unforeseen side effects and unplanned re-admissions.
SOP for switching Warfarin to DOAC (West Hants CCG)
Guidance on Safe Switching of Warfarin to DOAC: COVID-19 response
Ask your Pharmacist about your anticoagulation Postcard
NHS Guide to Managing Anticoagulant services during the coronavirus pandemic (March 2020)
Consultation Skills New Medicines Service (NMS) Presentation
Anticoagulant started? Poster - for use in GP practices and Community pharmacies
Starting anticoagulation with Jack Postcard
Guidelines for Housebound Patients on warfarin Dorset CCG
Warfarin Information for patients, relatives and carers 2019