27 January 2023
How can we support our health and care workforce to implement great innovations that will improve care?
What skills do different staff need to get great ideas adopted in different health and care settings?
Join our Rapid Insight event and share your insights and ideas.
NHS England’s Innovation, Research and Life Sciences (IRLS) team/Health Education England is working with Wessex Academic Health Science Network and other partners to scope and develop a national education programme to enhance innovation adoption and empower a culture of innovation across the health, social care and voluntary workforce. Your experiences and insights are important to us, and we would be delighted if you could find time to join us online for a rapid insight event designed to be completed in just one hour, as we appreciate the many competing demands on your time. We are running the same session on two separate dates, to give you options to attend.
Proven innovation improves services and health outcomes, yet there’s an absence of consistent messaging about innovation adoption and why it’s central to wellbeing and care. We know that people working in health, social and voluntary care often require support to increase their capability and confidence to adopt innovation, yet access to consistent quality training from one source is currently limited.
This event will bring colleagues together from across the system, including those who have been involved in this topic previously and those who are new to it, to explore how this new programme can address the barriers and challenges to innovation adoption.
Participation is invited from colleagues across health, social care, voluntary sector, patient and community partners with an interest in:
Book your place on our Eventbrite page at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/innovation-adoption-champions-programme-rapid-insight-events-tickets-520281555137
During the session
Rapid Insight events use an interactive and dynamic approach to gain insights from a wide group of stakeholders in a one-hour session using the Microsoft Teams platform. They are designed as a fast-paced and engaging way to encourage large amounts of information sharing in a short space of time. We would like everyone to be able to fully contribute during the session; your insights will inform a clear narrative, the development of a suite of bespoke specialist training materials and innovation adoption support.
We will also offer alternative methods of contribution should delegates wish to reflect and share further thoughts.
Please forward any questions about the Innovation Adoption Champions programme to england.innovation@nhs.net
Should you have questions about this event, please contact: enquiries@wessexahsn.net
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(023) 8202 0858