23 March 2020
All AHSNs within the AHSN Network are actively supporting the NHS and social care system regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.
If you would like advice on immediate or future needs, and how best to present your offer to local and/ or national commissioners, please contact the commercial team at your local AHSN via the AHSN Network Innovation Exchange or register on-line. Use the postcode checker to help you find your local AHSN.
The government has provided national guidance on where to register products to support the COVID-19 response. Please find these details below.
If you have any other solutions (not specifically COVID-19 related) that could be useful to the health and care system during this unprecedented time, you can access AHSN advice and support by visiting www.ahsninnovationexchange.co.uk.
Regional AHSN support
During this current period of extreme operational pressure, the AHSNs will be supporting our colleagues on the frontline and in planning and operations by offering the most appropriate assistance as and when required. This will include supporting the implementation of technology to maximise the use of remote consultations and online guidance, freeing up valuable clinician time and reducing the risk of transmission.
We are working closely with our regional NHS teams to coordinate this support, but if you would like to contact the Wessex AHSN team, please do get in touch: enquiries@wessexahsn.net
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For more info, contact the communications team:
(023) 8202 0858