7 May 2019
Our colleagues from the Clinical Ethics and Law at Southampton (CELS) Group are writing an article about direct-to-consumer genetic tests. These are genetic tests that you can buy online or in shops (for example tests from AncestryUK, 23andMe, DNAFit).
Some direct-to-consumer genetic tests claim to give customers information about health risks.
The Clinical Ethics and Law Southampton (CELS) Group researches the ethical issues raised when rapidly advancing medical technologies are made available and considers what is needed to be ready to adapt, from the perspective of the individual, as well as healthcare and society. To help them write their article, they'd like to ask your opinion about direct-to-consumer genetic tests, and some of the issues that the tests raise.
You can participate in the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KN88ZLF. There are just four questions to answer.
Thank you very much for letting us know what you think.
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