Latest news

  • Wessex Cancer Innovation Programme and the CRUK Manifesto

    19 December 2023

    We were really pleased to see that the recent manifesto from Cancer Research UK ‘Longer, better lives: A manifesto for cancer research and care’ published on 28 November 2023, has highlighted the important role of health innovation networks in improving cancer care and outcomes. The manifesto sets out how the next UK government could improve can... Read more >

  • Driving successful innovation roll out

    4 December 2023

    A new guide to innovation implementation, readiness, and resourcing has been published, sharing practical learning from the Health Innovation Network’s successful adoption and spread of the national Focus ADHD programme.Despite the impact of the pandemic on non-emergency services, the three-year ADHD programme exceeded its targets and by June 20... Read more >

  • AHSN blog

    Celebrating five years of Wessex innovation in polypharmacy training

    29 November 2023

    We are delighted to launch this ‘Polypharmacy Action Learning Set: Five Year Synopsis’ report which showcases the Polypharmacy Action Learning Set model, its development journey and current national rollout by the Health Innovation Network (formerly the AHSN Network). The learning sets are an evidenced-based education approach to upskill pr... Read more >

  • New five-year licence begins with new Chair

    27 October 2023

    Richard Stubbs, CEO of Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber, has become Chair of the Health Innovation Network, the new name for the AHSN Network.The innovation arm of the NHS, the Network comprises of 15 organisations across England who work collaboratively, both nationally and locally, to deliver spread and adoption of new innovation for the... Read more >

  • Revolutionising access to health checks in Hampshire

    17 October 2023

    People in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight who may struggle to access health services are being invited to get their blood pressure checked through a new project focusing on equal access to high quality, evidence-based care. Cardiovascular disease (a general term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels) is a cause of heart attack... Read more >

  • Health Innovation Wessex publishes its 2023-24 business plan

    12 October 2023

    Health Innovation Wessex (HIW), formerly known as Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), has published its latest business plan, summarising its priorities for 2023-24.The plan demonstrates how HIW will continue to work with partners and innovators to support local health and care systems, driving the evaluation, adoption and spread of i... Read more >

News & Events


World Patient Safety Day 2024 Improving diagnosis for patient safety – how is Health Innovation Wessex contributing?

This year’s theme from the World Health Organisation for World Patient Safety Day on 17 Sept...

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