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  • Wessex Academic Health Science Network has been shortlisted for 2019 HSJ Awards – Patient Safety Award Category

    20 August 2019

    We are delighted to announce that the National Polypharmacy Prescribing Comparators have been shortlisted for a Patient Safety Award at this year’s HSJ Awards, recognising the outstanding contribution to healthcare.The judging panel, made up of a diverse range of highly influential and respected figures within the healthcare community, shortlist... Read more >

  • We're recruiting! Now is a great time to join the AHSN

    14 August 2019

    At Wessex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), we connect the NHS, universities, research, innovators and small businesses to help drive innovation into the health service, which benefits patients, saves the NHS time and money, and helps to grow the local economy.We’re at an exciting time in our history: we’ve got a very successful six years ... Read more >

  • New app will help speed up skin care referrals

    5 August 2019

    Two island GP practices are using a pioneering new app that speeds up how quickly a skin problem can be seen by a specialist and give a patient a diagnosis.And due to the Dermicus app’s quick and accurate service, it is also helping to free up the time of doctors and nurses so they can see more patients.Argyll House Surgery, in Argyll Street, Ry... Read more >

  • AHSN annual review of 2018-19 out now

    24 July 2019

    We are proud to present our annual review for 2018-19.The review outlines how we are making huge progress with implementing and supporting the spread and adoption of innovation into the NHS.From helping patients with their medicines after they have been to hospital, to preventing strokes with innovative mobile technology, to supporting our partn... Read more >

  • AHSN blog

    Healthcare in Wessex - A Digital Future Part 2: First Lessons from the NHS Digital Academy

    18 July 2019

    Before I knew anything about digital health, health informatics or the NHS, I worked on a national project implementing software and coordinating data collection from Children and Young People’s mental health services for the CYP-IAPT project. To say it felt like being thrown in at the deep end is a massive understatement. I was in my early twen... Read more >

  • Nine million pounds awarded to health research across Hampshire, Dorset, Isle of Wight and South Wiltshire

    12 July 2019

    The National Institute for Health Research, sometimes called the research arm of the NHS, has awarded nine million pounds to create a new organisation called ARC Wessex.ARCs – *Applied Research Collaborations – are teams of researchers working together to solve some of the big health issues in their communities. There are 15 In England and the W... Read more >

News & Events


World Patient Safety Day 2024 Improving diagnosis for patient safety – how is Health Innovation Wessex contributing?

This year’s theme from the World Health Organisation for World Patient Safety Day on 17 Sept...

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