Katherine Gale

Evaluation Programme Manager (Qualitative)

Katherine is the Programme Manager for mental health. Katherine joined the organisation in November 2016 while completing her PhD in Operational Research at the University of Southampton. Katherine has 10 years of research experience in health and social care settings and is passionate about improving care delivery. Her specific areas of interest include person-centred care and improving outcomes for patients and healthcare staff through evidence-based innovation.

Katherine’s PhD formed part of the Care Life Cycle (CLC) project, a multi-disciplinary research programme, which was funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to examine the supply and demand of health and social care within an ageing society. Katherine’s PhD focused on the use of telecare to support people with dementia to remain living independently.

Prior to joining Health Innovation Wessex, and while completing her doctoral studies, Katherine held a range of different part-time business support roles. These included working for the Faculty of Health Science at the University of Southampton, and for the National Institute for Health Research Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre (NETSCC). She also worked as a research assistant for an Age-Related Macular Degeneration research project, which involved data collection and patient engagement at the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.

For her Master’s dissertation in Management Science Katherine worked with Hampshire County Council to produce a Position Paper on the use of GPS tracking devices for people with dementia. Her dissertation was awarded the 2009 Award for Excellence by the Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust.

Katherine’s current role in the Mental Health team enables her to combine her passion for improving care service delivery, with her skills and experience in research, evaluation, and data analysis.

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Innovation Insight

Our team is established in the assessment and study of innovation in healthcare, with a set of in-house skills that bring ... Find out more >

Mental Health

Experiencing poor mental health can cause distress and major disruption to an individual, their family, and friends.&nbs... Find out more >