Geoff is a qualified nurse with a clinical background in critical care nursing, high dependency unit management and clinical information system implementation.
His specialist interests include patient safety, quality improvement, change management, user involvement and appreciative inquiry. He is a member of the Health Foundation’s Q community.
Geoff is currently the Deterioration lead for Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative and has supported health and care organisations to improve their management of all cause physical deterioration (including sepsis and Covid) and to implement the National Early Warning Score (NEWS). He has helped co-produce RESTORE2, the award winning physical deterioration and escalation tool for care/nursing homes, as well as a series of videos hosted by Health Education England for general and learning disability care settings and has helped develop the use of soft signs in healthcare.
Geoff has an MSc in professional development and is an author, lecturer and speaker on patient safety, deterioration management, NEWS and soft signs as well as quality improvement and co-production approaches. He is an ILM accredited coach and mentor and an improvement coach for individuals and teams undertaking quality improvement projects.
In his spare time Geoff assesses teams undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions and enjoys participating in a variety of outdoor activities including walking, kayaking and scuba-diving.
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