Gemma Snell

Programme Manager Innovation & Industry Needs Assessment Service

Gemma is an Innovation and Industry Programme Manager. Her focus is to support innovators and to foster more innovation in the NHS to improve health outcomes. She is part of the NHS Innovation Service working with colleagues in Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria to assess the needs of innovators wishing to enter or develop within the NHS.

Gemma has a background of working as part of networks, initially the Cardiovascular and Stroke Networks in London seeing the city-wide transformation of stroke services to set up Hyper Acute and Acute Stroke units. She has also worked on pathways for cardiac surgery, both reducing waiting times for elective treatment at tertiary centres but also facilitating inter-hospital transfers for emergency procedures across London.

Gemma was Regional Lead for Diabetes in London working with all areas of the system from public health and primary care to vascular surgery, as well as considering the educational needs of patients and healthcare professionals to manage diabetes. Latterly she was part of the team that set up the first National Diabetes Prevention Programme to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

During the Covid pandemic Gemma was instrumental in supporting University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust to set up its staff and patient testing programme. She was also closely involved in the trials seeking to understand the most effective testing mechanism and protocols.

Gemma has worked closely with various National Clinical Directors and participated in the HOPE Exchange programme, which took her to Sweden for a whistle-stop tour of the Swedish health and social system. When not working, she thoroughly enjoys outdoor pursuits including cycling, skiing, paddleboarding and trying out different cuisines from around the world.

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Industry and Innovation

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