Emma Williams

Associate Director - Strategic Partnerships and Business Development

Emma is our Associate Director for Strategic Partnerships and Business Development, working in a corporate role to lead the development of our customer offer and to seek new and exciting partnerships across health, social care, academia, voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE) and industry. She also leads on the development of our business growth strategy and business planning.

Emma has worked for almost 30 years within management and frontline roles across health, social care, and the voluntary and community sector. She has wide experience in leading large scale organisational change, service redesign, stakeholder engagement and building effective network relationships. She is also a trustee for the charity Autism Unlimited.

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Currently working on...

Covid Oximetry

Covid Oximetry - both within primary and secondary care - is an enhanced package of remote monitoring (of symptoms and oxy... Find out more >

Environmental Sustainability

In October 2020, the NHS became the world’s first health service to commit to reaching carbon net zero, in response to the... Find out more >